Sunday, June 7, 2015

How to Decide Whether to Buy a New Record

I have no idea who created this, but this flow chart is 100% accurate!

This is basically how the decision making process occurs within my brain. 

Who can relate? 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gene Clark, Doug Dillard, and How Another Blog Can Lead me to Write a Novel

I just wrote a response to another blog so long that I decided I was going to paste it here. R. S. Crabb has an excellent blog (a few actually). Check out his Blogger profile for links to his different projects.

Click here to read the specific (interesting and informative) blog entry that inspired my novellic response. Crabb points out the importance of Clark and Dillard to country rock and their relative obscurity despite their impact. I couldn't agree more. While I am a devoted fan of Gram Parsons and his projects, and The Byrds, I'm also a fan of Gene Clarke and Doug Dillard.

And my response:

Gram Parsons, The International Submarine Band, and the Flying Burrito Brothers manage to be somewhat obscure today. If it wasn't for Record Store Day, there are music fans who may have no idea who Gram and ISB are. I've had actual conversations in which "who's that?" and "never heard of 'em" were uttered by the other party. I get much less so with the Byrds, but it does still happen. I remain shocked that music fans can be unfamiliar with any of these artists/bands, but I encounter it often enough that I can only assume its prevalent.

Dillard and Clark are, unfortunately, not as well known as they should be. Mediocre chart success pushed them into obscurity; critics loved them though! It didn't matter that they Chris Hillman, Bernie Leadon, and Sneaky Pete were among the players on their albums and that Dillard and Clark themselves were signficant of their time, people just didn't get the music I guess. The band was important to country rock, as you said, and is by far too unknown, but the good news is that with the recent Sundazed reissues are introducing them to a new generations of fans. I had a discussion with another customer at my local record store about the band and he ended up pick in up a copy.

Trivia of sorts....

Clark became a Burrito after Dillon and Clark broke up. He left the Byrds because he was afraid of flying. Clarke has an impressive solo catalogue that everyone who likes country, country rock, Americana should check out. Hell, anyone who likes music should check out Clarke's solo catalogue. He's so darn talented. And died too young - he was diagnosed with throat cancer and literally drank himself to death. :(

Dillard is rumored to be the primary banjo player for the score/soundtrack of Bonnie & Clyde, with Flattery & Scruggs only song being Foggy Mountain Breakdown. Doug Dillard is nothing short of a genius with a banjo. Sadly, the man doesn't even have a Wikipedia page - how's that for obscure?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

TONEAudio - KickStarter & My Latest Article

Some of you may read TONEAudio Magazine.  What you may not know is that TONEAudio is looking to publish a print edition in celebration of their 10 year anniversary.  The magazine is gorgeous, full of beautiful photos of gear that would make any audiophile drool and I personally cannot wait to see it all in print.  Beyond audio, the magazine covers food, wine, lifestyle, auto, and other topics that are of cross interest to audiophiles and music lovers.

There is a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the project and a pledge of just $8 will get you not one, but two, issues (November 2015 and April 2016).  There are other pledge levels, including options that allow you to share the fun with a friend and to put your name in or on the magazine.  I hope that I'm privileged enough to have an article in one of the print issues.  That would be so cool I'd probably walk on air for a month, maybe a year!

While you are thinking about TONEAudio, let me take a second to plug my little contribution to the latest issue.  I have started helping out with the Slummin' column, which involves me doing what I love most.  Get this.. I get to dig around yard sales, estate sales, thrift stores, flea markets, etc for cool little audio or music trinkets, artifacts, and pieces of nostalgia.  Then I get to write about them!  The most recent issue can be be downloaded from here and my little column is near the back.  While you are flipping your way through the pages, make sure to read all the other great articles contained therein.  Oh, and take a moment to visit TONEAudio's home on the web at

Again, the most recent issue containing my article:

TONEAudio's website:

TONEAudio's KickStarter campaign:

School's Out for the Summer!

A few weeks ago the semester ended.  Some of you may know that I work full time and go to school (college) part time.  Its a lot of hard work and detracts from the time I have to enjoy music, record collecting, etc.  It also takes away from the time I have to devote to this blog.  Over the next few weeks I'll be publishing the various blog entries I started, as well as info regarding my work with ToneAUDIO magazine.  Stay tuned!  One may even make it to press by the end of the evening!!

If you are on FaceBook, like A Sound Woman to get updates and additional content. :)

P.S. I graduate with my associates degree next year and then its step 2 in the long term plan.  I'm going to be in school FOREVER.  Well, maybe not forever, but it feels like it.  This going to back to school in your 30s thing is tough. Kids, stay in school.  You'll thank me when you aren't an exhausted 30-something!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Random Thought About Saturday Night Live

Watching Saturday Night Live feels like being in a relationship with someone you have fallen out of love with. You stay because its comfortable and familiar, but your heart just isn't in it anymore. Yet, there are moments that reminds you how great things used to be and you feel a little lost and sad.

I miss the days when SNL was something to look forward to. Sigh.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Record Store Day 2015

We put together our list for RSD today. Who else is planning on participating in the festivities?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Journey Into Record Collecting

I have a problem.  A record problem.  Every time I am near a Goodwill, thrift store, record store, etc I feel the itch to go crate digging.  I can't help it.  Seven or eight years ago I would have scoffed at buying a record.  I sincerely felt they were more trouble then they were worth.  I had this huge collection of audiophile recordings, but nothing on vinyl.  David changed all of that for me with a copy of Sweetheart of the Rodeo and a Music Hall turntable.  My ears and heart were opened and I haven't looked back.

This journey that started almost 6 years ago is exciting and ever changing.  Sharing music and record collecting with David is a type of intimacy.  There is a level of soul baring that occurs when you let someone see just how much a song means to you.  Its beautiful to share something as personal as music with the most important person in your life.  Audiophiles and music lovers, I strongly recommend letting your significant other into your world if you haven't already.  They may not be interested, but at least make the invitation.  It might buy you some much needed tolerance!!

It is important to point out that David may have sparked my interest in records, but I have learned, explored, and expanded my horizons plenty without his guidance.  He sometimes says that he has created a monster (usually when I buy another turntable, receiver, or go record shopping on my lunch break).  Its actually really funny to think back to when I would roll my eyes when he would show me the new records he just bought, especially when I am buying records on my way home from work.  A major pet peeve: people assuming that I am into records only because of my fiance.  He ignited my interest, but the rest is all me.  You can lead a horse to water and all that...

I know there are other audiophile couples and audiophile ladies out there and I want to hear from you.  Like the Facebook page, comment on the blog, email me at  I look forward to hearing from you.

Bruce Springsteen, Hersheypark Arena, May 14, 2014

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

May 14, 2014

Hersheypark Arena, Hershey, PA

The concert was amazing.  The venue was a little lacking, but it didn't matter one bit.  Seeing Bruce Springsteen live was life changing, like a religious experience.  A little secret... I had never been to a large venue concert before this and it was pretty great being deflowered by none other than The Boss.  My life will never be the same.  I want to go see another stadium show.  I want to be in the pit, rubbing shoulders with other people who are completely happy to be where they are, and I want to feel the energy of the crowd.  Despite the fact that there were 20,000+ people in attendance, at times it felt like everything zeroed down to me, David, and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.  When David grabbed my hand and we held on to each other through the tide of emotion that swept through the crowd, I forgot everything but us and the music.  Sometimes I had goosebumps, other times tears in my eyes, and there were times when I just wanted a song to be over.

It was beautiful and I can't wait to do it again...